Friday, August 10, 2007


It is 6 AM and I am awake. I mean I have not slept yet. I have been in office and yes have working since noon yesterday. This work is overwhelming. Do I really need to work so much???

Does it help to know that the web is cast around all? That we are not alone in bearing the weight of it all. And that the prison is well populated with our
fellow beings. The commune of shattered dreams. Perhaps it adds a new dimension to our insignificance. Cogs in the wheel of despair.

But how does one explain the beauty ? The obstinate refusal of hope to die away. Of the heart to continue to beat. The sweet seduction of life. Where from did that come from ? Whats our true nature in this merry go round ?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Is it a poem

This is the first time,
I try and compose a poem
directly onto my blog page.

I am a little old fashioned,
used to pen and paper.
This way seems little strange,
some would say it is better.

I can save, I can delete
go back and edit.
It is a just key here
and just a key there.

This way there are no versions,
just the final poem
which I can easily delete;
Paper is just too hard to tear.

There is no history
of how the poem evolved.
But then those notebooks in the closet know
that history is hard to bear.