Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Isolated World of Mine

I live in my mind,
an isolated space;
Created selectively,
marked clearly,
defended strongly.

I go about my living,
ignoring, dreaming,working.
My isolated space,
lone sane spot in a world gone mad.

But sometimes the walls,
all of them come crumbling down.
Say when I read about the
rape of five year old child.

The pretense is then not so easy,
and the walls just not high enough.
They are there; at my doorstep,
and insanity just below the surface.

But I live on;
Ignore, forget, erase.
And I retreat into that
Isolated world of mine.


Ardra said...

and then I'm shaken...
I close my eyes tight
I clench my fist
I hope to banish
the wretched scenes
etched in my my mind
but the image
clings to my soul
like green algae
on placid waters
I trudge on wearily
because the stench
outside my world
still reaches me...
I cannot look back
because I dread
seeing my shadow
mock my step...
I continue to pretend...

silo, dont ask me what I've written but these are the words that flew from my fingers onto the keyboard...

Silent Melody said...

vb, hi thanks for the visit; But I am not sure if I really understood your comment.

Ardra, that was beautiful. You perfectly understood what I was trying to say; lovely Ardra. (Really can not say more, I am speechless)

asuph said...


read this just today...
where are you?

this was a nice poem. much like some of your other poems that I liked...

won't try to deconstruct this..

the wall metaphor reminded me of, well, The Wall, Pink Floyd.

just one question: do we really need to mark our space, inside our mind too? just curious...

keep writing,

Silent Melody said...

hy Asuph; thanks for the visit. I am around :-) Have been reading everything on DSS but just a lil bz these days; so have not been able to comment.

Glad, u liked the poem. hmmm about the question; sometimes I feel that there are so many maddening (for the want of a better word) things I hear about, read about and watch on tv etc. ; so many things that I do not want to dwell on at all and I somehow at some level distinguish the kind of things I will think about and the kind of things I will ignore and hence the "markings". Hope u can make smthg out of this.