Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Red Earth and Pouring Rain (contd.)

Continued from last post as I was having problems in posting the rest of the blog.

Anyways coming back to what I started with; I picked up Vikram Chandra's "Red Earth and Pouring Rain" along with a collection of his short stories titled "Love and Longing in Mumbai" at a 50% sale at "Odyssey". I was congratulating myself on getting a good bargain but the joy was short lived. All the pages of "REPR" have come out and the book is in tatters. I am reading the book by holding one page at a time though I must say it much easier on my hands this way. Talking about bargains reminds me of this really funny list I read yesterday in the latest edition of Readers' Digest (Sep, 05). It lists that should be but are not a part of the English language. The funniest word in the list, in my opinion was "Boastbuster - a person who when asked to guess how cheaply you bought something or the size of your salary jump gives a figure so extreme that your story falls completely flat". Man, such agony!! I am sure that this has happened to everyone some time or other. Another favorite was "Veriflycation" (Can you guess what it is?).


Ardra said...

oops mel they reached here first- i mean the spammers. and mel why have u not left a note at dss? nyways, i came sauntering by and was pleasantly surprised...please keep posting...shall keep peeking ...and btw, why dont u disable spam-

Silent Melody said...

Ardra!!! Man, I am so delighted to see your comment. I just created this blog Just like that and never thot that someone from DSS wud stumble into this. This is a really nice surprise. I did not leave a note at DSS because this was just akind of experiment and I will be blogging at DSS as before. And thanks for the suggestion, I have changed the setting so that only registered members can post comments. Is there any way to restrict spam?

Kerry and Ken, thanks for visiting and thanks for the good words. I shall soon visit your sites.